选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
25 | 5/6/25 | 220 / 6 | 25.0K | 581 | 833 | 22.0K | 17% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 God's Rebuke +65% Crit Arena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen +12%/+6% Bulwark Front/Side damage reduction +0.6s Spear of Mars Stun -4s God's Rebuke Cooldown +100 Spear Of Mars Damage +100 God's Rebuke Distance +30% Bulwark Active Redirect Chance | |
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26 | 13/5/21 | 309 / 3 | 26.0K | 604 | 988 | 20.4K | 16% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -2s Mortal Strike Cooldown Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast +25% Cleave +6 Minimum Skeletons Spawned +0.5s Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration +26 Skeletons Attack Damage +25% Summon Skeleton Duration/-25% Cooldown +8% Vampiric Spirit Lifesteal | |
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20 | 3/9/26 | 159 / 2 | 18.5K | 430 | 517 | 17.5K | 14% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 2.5x Plague Ward HP/Damage Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack Speed Gale Creates Plague Wards +1.5% Noxious Plague Max HP Damage -1s Plague Ward Cooldown +8% Poison Sting Slow 20% Poison Sting Health Regen Reduction -5s Venomous Gale CD | |
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23 | 8/2/34 | 49 / 4 | 18.3K | 424 | 673 | 21.4K | 17% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -12s Telekinesis Cooldown +40% Spell Amp For Stolen Spells +240 Telekinesis Land Distance -5s Fade Bolt Cooldown -25% Stolen Spells Cooldown +0.4s Telekinesis Lift Duration +150 Telekinesis Landing Damage -12% Fade Bolt Damage Reduction | |
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25 | 17/2/23 | 267 / 15 | 28.6K | 664 | 804 | 43.5K | 34% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 3x Quas/Wex/Exort passive effects Radial Deafening Blast +2 Chaos Meteors +30 Alacrity Damage/Speed +50 Forged Spirit Attack Speed -8s Cold Snap Cooldown +50 Ice Wall DPS -6s Tornado Cooldown | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
17 | 1/12/8 | 26 / 12 | 8.6K | 200 | 363 | 10.2K | 7% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +1.25s Frostbite Duration +240 Crystal Nova Damage +50 Freezing Field Damage +225 Attack Speed +125 Frostbite Cast Range -3s Crystal Nova Cooldown +125 Crystal Nova AoE +250 Health | |
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19 | 8/14/13 | 104 / 5 | 11.4K | 265 | 480 | 28.7K | 21% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -30s Demonic Purge Cooldown 2 Charges of Disruption +10% Disseminate Shared Damage +200 Demonic Purge/Cleanse Damage/Heal +25 Movement Speed -1s Shadow Poison Cooldown +12 Strength +15% Shadow Poison Damage | |
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23 | 3/5/6 | 407 / 4 | 20.4K | 474 | 690 | 20.7K | 15% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +3 Overpower Attacks Enrage provides half benefits to allies in a 700 radius +12 Fury Swipes Damage -2s Earthshock Cooldown +10% Enrage Status Resistance Earthshock Applies 2 Fury Swipes +1.75 Mana Regen +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time | |
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22 | 5/9/13 | 289 / 14 | 20.5K | 477 | 619 | 23.2K | 17% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -6s Starbreaker Cooldown +80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed +150 Solar Guardian Radius -1 Luminosity Attacks Required +50% Luminosity Critical Strike Damage -20s Solar Guardian Cooldown +18 Starbreaker Swipe/Smash Damage +14% Celestial Hammer Slow | |
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24 | 7/8/11 | 324 / 17 | 21.1K | 490 | 764 | 52.8K | 38% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +150 Thundergod's Wrath Damage 325 AOE Lightning Bolt +4% Arc Lightning Current Health As Damage +0.3s Lightning Bolt Ministun +30 Movement Speed after Heavenly Jump +1 Heavenly Jump Target -4s Heavenly Jump Cooldown +250 Health | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
24 | 13/0/20 | 228 / 17 | 22.9K | 654 | 953 | 36.0K | 31% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Second Chakram +1125 Timber Chain Range +20% Magic Resistance +4% Chakram Slow +8% Spell Amplification +6 Reactive Armor Stacks and Duration +200 Health +1.5 Mana Regen | |
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20 | 15/2/8 | 259 / 10 | 22.9K | 654 | 628 | 25.8K | 22% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +3 Overpower Attacks Enrage provides half benefits to allies in a 700 radius +12 Fury Swipes Damage -2s Earthshock Cooldown +10% Enrage Status Resistance Earthshock Applies 2 Fury Swipes +1.75 Mana Regen +20s Fury Swipes Reset Time | |
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21 | 8/2/30 | 106 / 3 | 16.0K | 457 | 702 | 19.8K | 17% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +1.5% Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal/Damage +60 Death Ward Damage +25% Maledict Burst Damage +100 Death Ward Attack Range +300 Health +2 Cask Bounces +75 Maledict AoE -25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second | |
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18 | 4/2/18 | 62 / 3 | 11.9K | 339 | 515 | 9.4K | 8% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -30s Demonic Purge Cooldown 2 Charges of Disruption +10% Disseminate Shared Damage +200 Demonic Purge/Cleanse Damage/Heal +25 Movement Speed -1s Shadow Poison Cooldown +12 Strength +15% Shadow Poison Damage | |
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19 | 10/1/18 | 177 / 3 | 18.6K | 531 | 599 | 23.5K | 20% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 20s. +0.65s Shackleshot Duration -16% Focus Fire Damage Reduction -15% Powershot Damage Reduction -3s Windrun Cooldown +225 Windrun Radius -2s Shackleshot Cooldown | |
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选手名 | KDA | 正补/反补 | 经济 | 每分钟金钱 | 每分钟经验 | 输出 | 输出占比 | 物品 | |
15 | 0/14/6 | 26 / 3 | 7.0K | 201 | 356 | 7.7K | 12% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +240 Fireblast Damage 17% Fireblast chance on attack +25 Bloodlust AS +30 Strength +80 Damage +250 Health +16 Ignite DPS -1s Fireblast Cooldown | |
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17 | 1/12/5 | 157 / 4 | 11.7K | 334 | 457 | 21.7K | 35% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +135 Bushwhack Radius 2 Acorn Shot Charges -4 Armor Corruption 25% Sharpshooter Faster Projectile / Charge Time +60 Bushwhack Damage +2 Acorn Shot Bounces +40% Scurry Evasion When Active -3s Bushwhack Cooldown | |
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17 | 2/6/0 | 224 / 2 | 13.0K | 370 | 479 | 11.6K | 18% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 Triple Strike Stifling Dagger +7% Coup de Grace chance +20% Stifling Dagger Damage +60 Phantom Strike Attack Speed +250 Phantom Strike Cast Range +25% Blur Evasion +0.5s Phantom Strike Duration -2s Stifling Dagger Cooldown | |
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15 | 0/9/5 | 154 / 2 | 10.8K | 308 | 371 | 4.1K | 6% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 +10% Empower Damage/Cleave +0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration +125 Shockwave Damage +375 Skewer Range -7s Skewer Cooldown +5 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity +0.5s Shockwave Slow Duration +10s Empower Duration | |
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18 | 3/9/3 | 171 / 3 | 15.1K | 430 | 522 | 16.6K | 26% | TALENT TREE25 20 15 10 -11s Nethertoxin Cooldown -50% Viper Strike manacost/cooldown +25% Poison Attack slow/damage +80 Viper Strike DPS +15% Corrosive Skin Magic Resistance +40 Nethertoxin Min/Max Damage +18 Corrosive Skin Damage Per Second +5% Poison Attack Magic Resistance Reduction | |
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